Tuesday, July 3, 2012

Flip-turn-ing point

Okay, it's been  a while since my last post. Haven't raced since Oceanside, am still planning to race at Malibu, and have signed up for Oceanside again. I'm also debating on doing the Soma half in October. But right now my race schedule is limited due to financial issues.
This is where the turning point comes in, as a teacher at a charter school, my employment is on an at will basis. I have been working as an adjunct teacher for 2 years now, but do not have any guarantee of employment for this coming school year. Yesterday I received a message from my boss, and today returned the call only to find out that the school is not planning to employ any adjunct teachers at this time. So that means that I will probably not have a job for the coming school year, unless they have a massive increase in enrollment numbers. This has made me think more about leaving the profession. It's not that I don't enjoy it, just that there are so few jobs out there right now as the state keeps cutting budgets. I'm not the only one in this situation, I've had a friend or two rethink their current career choices.
Hanging with my adorable nephew
So where to now... I'm just now starting to process and try to determine where to focus my job search. I haven't made a decision yet, so I will still look for teaching jobs, as well as jobs outside the teaching profession. I just want to be in a job I am happy at, not that I wasn't happy at my last job.
Of course, this may mean I can make more trips to Fresno to hang my my adorable nephew.
Now back to swimming/triathlon/cycling. USA Swimming Olympic Trials just finished up yesterday. I was a bit disappointed that Dara Torres and Janet Evans (local) didn't make the team, but am excited to see Tyler Clary (local) make his first Olympic team. Tyler's mom is a USA Swimming Administrative Official and I have worked several meets with her and for his team FAST. As a matter of fact, I'm working a meet there this weekend. It was also great to see Jessica Hardy, another SoCal native qualify for the team after missing the 2008 Games due to a positive drug test at Trials (contaminated supplement). Southern California has a great history in the Olympic games, but it is nice to see that swimmers are being developed in other areas of the country at teams both large and small. (Missy Franklin comes from a small team in Colorado.)
The Olympics start in just a few weeks and the competition in the pool will be intense. In triathlon, I think the hometown boys may pull off gold and silver (Brownlee brothers).

Swim tip for the day: RELAX... don't forget to breathe, be nice to the water, don't hit it too hard. If you are nice to the water it will be nice to you. Take the time on the 4th to just sit in the pool, just float and relax, this will help you recognize where you balance in the water.

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